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Drag Queen Wins Eurovision Song Contest

Eurovision is a song contest held in Europe every year. Since 1956, Eurovision has been one of the most watched events worldwide. Famous pop stars such as Celine Dion and ABBA have been winners of the contest. The 58th Eurovision chose an extraordinary contestant this year, Conchita Wurst from Copenhagen, Denmark.

Conchita Wurst, a 25-year-old Austrian, won the contest with her song, “Rise Like a Phoenix.” Conchita, in a glittering dress and long wavy hair looked like a glamorous diva. However, there was one thing very different about this diva. Conchita has a beard. The bearded drag queen confused the audience, as they were unsure if Conchita was male or female.

Conchita identifies as female and she said of the event, “Europe demonstrated that we are a community of respect and tolerance.”

Conchita, who was born Thomas Neuwirth, struggled with her sexuality when she was younger. She says her beard is a way of expressing herself.

The glamorous drag queen’s triumph was celebrated by the LGBT community. However, her participation in Eurovision was also somewhat controversial. Some Eastern European countries and Russia, protested Conchita’s participation. They demanded that Conchita’s performance be edited out of the show.

Russian officials have denounced homosexuality. However, ironically, Conchita earned many votes from Russian judges and viewers. Even her winning song, “Rise Like a Phoenix” topped Russian pop charts. It had more downloads than the Russian contestant’s song.

Eurovision started in 1956 to promote good relations among European countries after the end of the Second World War. This year’s contest showcased Europe’s diversity and tolerance.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is Eurovision?


2. Who won this year’s Eurovision?


3. What do you think about Conchita Wurst?


drag queen 여장 남자


extraordinary 비범한, 별난


phoenix 불사조


diva 유명 여 가수


tolerance 관용


sexuality 성 정체성


LGBT 성적 소수자들(레즈비언, 게이, 양성애자, 트랜스젠더)을 이르는 말


denounce 맹렬히 비난하다

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