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The Evolution of Music Industry

Music is defined as an art form that combines vocal and instrumental sounds. It is integrated in all aspects of people’s lives. It is believed to have been in existence for 550 centuries and the first music was played in Africa. The early people had created musical instruments out of woods, bones of animals they hunted, and carved metals. During the ancient times, music played a key role in rituals and religious practices. The people included music when they celebrated bountiful harvests, when they mourned the death of a loved one and when they asked guidance from their gods. This era is also called prehistoric music or primitive music.

With the development of writing, comes the next music era, the ancient music. The oldest song was written in a clay tablet called cuneiform. Musical techniques during this time were transcribed on vases and walls.

The next era is the biblical period. Music was evident on bible verses and the different biblical characters have shown great interest in it. The period of Samuel, David, and Solomon was considered to be the golden age of Hebrew music. During their services, there were musicians who sang and played different kinds of instruments.

Early music on the other hand, was practiced by Europeans after the fall of Roman Empire and it went on until the Baroque era which gave way to the classical music. John Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi and Alessandro Scarlatti are some of the many composers of this era. Classical music had widely influenced religious and secular music of the western culture.

Over the past years, there have been rapid changes and developments in music. Musicians, writers, and technology have contributed in the evolution of music. They blended musical instruments to the songs they wrote. Some people also mixed classical and modern music. These were related to the different interests of listeners which also helped them market their music. The different musical pieces were created to have distinction which will identify shared tradition or set of conventions. This is called music genre. Rap or hip hop, alternative rock, and reggae are examples of contemporary music genre.

Every day, musicians from all over the world come up with their own compositions. The changes and development of music continue to evolve. Music has existed as much as humans live on Earth. As the cliche goes, change is the only permanent thing in the world.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How did religion contribute to the evolution of music?

2. What are the changes in music?

3. What are the factors that affect the music evolution?


vocal 목소리의/

cuneiform 설형문자/ 

composer 작곡가/ 

evolution 진화/

distinction 차이/ 

composition 작곡/ 

permanent 영구적인/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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