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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

America’s First Daughter

During U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent visit in Japan on November 3, he was accompanied by his daughter Ivanka Trump who was invited by Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to speak at the World Assembly for Women about her experiences in business and economy. In Ivanka’s speech, she lauded the Japanese government’s “womenomics movement” which is a program that aims to increase women’s participation in the country’s workforce. This special privilege given to Ivanka Trump made a lot of people realize how important her position is in her father’s administration. Many people now see her as a prominent representative of the U.S. government.

Ivanka Trump is the daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana Trump. She is an internationally renowned business woman who used to hold one of the top positions of her father’s company, the Trump Organization. She also has her own line of fashion products which include clothing, handbags, shoes, and accessories. She is also a model, TV personality, and the author of "The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life,” and "Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success."

Ivanka Trump took on her latest assignments under the Trump administration when her father assumed office last January. She was chosen to be one of the president’s advisors. She is now a government employee tasked to assist the president in his work-related endeavors. As an advisor to the president, Ivanka has actively defended her father against allegations and rumors. She also filled in for her father in his official businesses like when she briefly took her father’s place at the G20 Summit held last July. Ivanka has been supporting her father’s administration in many different ways while also promoting her own advocacies such as the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative We-fi, a plan to raise $1 billion to help women entrepreneurs in emerging markets. This fund was seeded by female entrepreneurs from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The initiative has now gained the support of over a dozen countries.

People have different views about Ivanka’s role in the Trump administration especially because it is unconventional for a U.S. First Daughter to overshadow the U.S. First Lady. Some believe that Ivanka Trump is trying to assume the role of the country’s first lady, which Ivanka has repeatedly denied, while others see her as a hard-working first daughter who has a passion for public service.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Who is Ivanka Trump?

2. What role does Ivanka Trump have in the Trump administration?

3. What is We-fi?


laud 칭찬하다 / privilege 특권 / prominent 중요한 / assignment 과제, 임무 / advisor 고문 / endeavor 노력 / allegation 의혹, 혐의 / entrepreneur 기업가 / unconventional 색다른

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