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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

The Fast Food Lifestyle

Many people these days seem to be addicted to hurried living. They want everything done in a split second. Waiting almost always feels like a chore that people want to avoid. They want to take shortcuts whenever possible.

Sometimes, many things get compromised because of people’s desires to keep up with their fast-paced lifestyles. One of these things is their health. Most people don’t take the time to cook their food anymore. When they do, they cook dishes that can be put together in no time, and when they can’t cook, fast food becomes all the more appealing. Fast food is best for people who have a “too busy to cook” mentality.

Although the concept of fast food is Western in origin, it has become adopted in many countries around the world. Before fast food was introduced, people most likely prepared their own food since food sold in restaurants was usually expensive. The emergence of numerous fast food chains has allowed people from lower income brackets to afford eating out more often.

Fast food never gets old because of different reasons that range from convenience to culture. Aside from being prepared quickly, fast food is accessible almost anywhere, and it often comes in affordable prices. On top of that, people like to treat themselves to delicious comfort food even though it may be unhealthy. Good examples of guilty pleasures that people love to buy at fast food restaurants are burgers and French fries. Lastly, many diners associate fast food with fun dining.

To add to fast food’s accessible nature, drive-throughs have now become popular. With drive-throughs, people no longer have to wait in line for their orders. They don’t need to step out of their vehicles to dine because they can now enjoy their meals in their cars. Fast food delivery services have also made fast food more accessible to people who couldn’t leave their homes or offices to buy food.

The convenience brought by fast food comes with a price that often affects people’s health and lifestyles negatively. The good thing is that the fast food industry is now taking a turn towards providing healthier options to diners as people are now becoming more involved in knowing where their food comes from, how their food is prepared, and the ingredients used in the preparation.

Since people are becoming more inquisitive when it comes to the preparation of their food, it is wise for fast food restaurants to welcome new trends to ensure that their business will thrive despite the changes in people’s tastes.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is often compromised when people try so hard to cope with a fast-paced lifestyle?

2. Why are fast food products so popular?

3. What trend must the fast food industry face?


split 쪼개지기

compromise 손상시키다

mentality 사고 방식

bracket 계층, 층

accessible 접근할 수 있는

vehicle 차량

inquisitive 탐구적인, 살펴보는

thrive 번창하다

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