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Trump Withdraws from Paris Climate Agreement

U.S. President Donald Trump officially announced during his speech at the White House Rose Garden last June 1, 2017 that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, a global plan of action that aims to limit the increase of the world’s temperature below 2 degrees Celsius and to reduce the negative impacts of climate change.

President Trump mentioned during his campaign that one of the changes he will implement during his first 100 days if elected as president is the United State’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. As president, he admitted that he took some time to think about his planned move. It is believed that his decision to withdraw was highly influenced by a letter recently given to him by 22 Republican senators who are calling for the exit of the U.S. in the international anti-climate change treaty.

President Trump has the authority to make the sole decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, and now that he has made it official, the withdrawal process, which may take three to four years, is set to begin. Upon completion, the U.S. will join Syria and Nicaragua as the only three countries that rejected the agreement.

Many people are gravely concerned about President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. The U.S. is known to be the second largest producer of greenhouse gases and a major contributor to environmental problems, so not having its support in the Paris climate agreement may hinder the agreement from achieving its goals. Several environmentalists say that Trump’s decision lacks foresight and is very dangerous. They say that it is irrational for the U.S. president to think that climate change is just a hoax.

France and Germany also expressed their dismay in Trump’s decision. German Chancellor Angela Merkel even said that she is disappointed with President Trump's decision. She added that now more than ever, Germany will work for global climate policies that will save the earth.

Other countries such as Canada, China, and the European Union also pledged that they will continue to honor their commitment to the Paris climate agreement despite the withdrawal of the U.S. Many still remain hopeful that President Trump will change his mind about the withdrawal, so that the future success of the Paris climate agreement can be better ensured.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What did President Trump announce on June 1, 2017?

2. How will his decision affect the future plans to control climate change?

3. Do you support President Trump’s decision? Why or why not?


withdraw 철수하다, 물러나다

senator 상원 의원

authority 권한

sole 단 하나의, 단독의

hinder 방해하다

foresight 선견지명

irrational 비이성적인

hoax 장난

dismay 실망

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