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The U.S., Russia and Syria

Following the chemical attack in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun, Syria in April 4, there have been a lot of significant events that involved Syria and two of the most influential countries in the world, the U.S. and Russia.

Several nations, especially the U.S. and its allies, are accusing Russia of backing up the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun which is believed to be done under the command
of President Bashar al-Assad. On the other hand, Russia and its backers are questioning the Trump administration’s move last April 7 where, as a form of retaliation for the recent chemical attack that killed over 80 people, a missile strike was launched at a Syrian airbase. The relationship between the two countries that has long been unstable because of the Cold War is now said to be worse than it ever was in the recent years.

Days after the chemical attack, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a four-hour long meeting which was followed by a news conference in Moscow. At some point, Russian President Vladimir Putin joined the meeting. The meeting was set to discuss the chemical attack in northwestern Syria and other issues involving the two powerful nations.

During the news conference, Lavrov refused to accept President al-Assad’s alleged involvement in the recent chemical attack in Syria as he claims that there is no clear evidence to support the claim. He also issued a warning to Tillerson regarding any further U.S. strikes on the Syrian regime.

As for Tillerson, he said the U.S. has conclusive information that would prove that the chemical attack carried out in Syria was planned, and it was directed by Syrian regime forces. He added that the U.S. believes that President al-Assad’s regime might end soon. Tillerson also mentioned that the relationship of the U.S. and Russia is currently at a low point, and there is a low level of trust between the two countries. However, he believes that the two nations cannot continue to have such kind of relationship, so something has to be done.

At the end of the meeting, U.S. and Russia agreed that the two nations would continue to have diplomatic talks, so that they would arrive at peaceful resolutions for their ongoing conflicts. However, some are skeptical about this especially because President Trump and President Putin remain to have a strained relationship which will surely affect the relationship of the countries they rule.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What side is Russia on in relation to the Syrian crisis?

2. Why are Russia and the U.S. currently at a low point in terms of their relationship with one another?

3. How did the talks between Russia and the U.S. end?


rebel-held 반군이 장악한

ally 동맹국

command 명령, 지휘

backer 후원자

retaliation 보복

strike 공격, 공습

conclusive 결정적인

skeptical 회의적인

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