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Meet the Best Country in the World

In early March, U.S. News & World Report, BAV Consulting, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania released the result of an annual survey on the best country in the world. Along with the category of the best country in the world, results also included the most powerful country, the best country to invest in, and the best country for women, children, and retirees.

Switzerland, a federal republic, was named the best country in the world for the first time. Its citizenship, openness for business, environment that encourages entrepreneurship, the quality of life it provides its citizens, and cultural influence are the conditions that made respondents choose Switzerland.

Unemployment in Switzerland is low. The country has a skilled labor force, and it is one of the nations with the highest gross domestic products per capita worldwide. Low corporate taxes, a highly-developed service sector ran by financial services, and a high-technology manufacturing industry are the pillars of the country’s thriving economy.

Despite the small size of Switzerland compared to other contenders, it has also made significant cultural contribution. The country is known for registering more patents per capita and for producing the most number of Nobel Prize laureates including world renowned scientist Albert Einstein.

Switzerland has also gained a reputation in the world of banking for its tradition of banking secrecy. Although Swiss banks have adhered to reporting rules and transparency, they still uphold banking secrecy.

Peace and neutrality are two things that Switzerland is known for. Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, and it is highly regarded by its neighboring countries for not taking part in WWI and WWII as part of the Swiss pacifist tradition.

Because of the neutrality and stability in Switzerland, it is chosen by many people as a perfect place to immigrate and selected by several international organizations as headquarter. It is home to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement which was established in Geneva. Next to New York, Switzerland is the second biggest center for the United Nations.

Following Switzerland in the list of the world’s best countries are Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United States, Australia, France, and Norway. On the other hand, the U.S. ranked as the most powerful country, Canada as the best country for education, Sweden as the best country for women and the best country to raise children, and New Zealand as the best country for a comfortable retirement.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Why was Switzerland chosen as the best country in the world?

2. What are the things that make Switzerland the best country in the world?

3. What other titles were given to other countries?


invest 투자하다

retiree 은퇴자

federal republic 연방 공화국

entrepreneurship 기업가 정신

pillar 기둥

contender 경쟁자

pacifist 평화주의자

neutrality 중립 상태

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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