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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

The Pride of Hong Kong

Jackie Chan is one of the most respected actors of his generation. For decades, he has been entertaining audiences with his adrenaline-pumping action movies. His movies have the reputation of following a long comic tradition of hapless heroes. He remolded traditional kung fu movies by adding humor to the action movie genre. He has appeared in over 150 films since he began acting in the 1960s.

Jackie Chan made his journey to the top at the expense of breaking his bones and enduring injuries to give people a worthwhile action movie to watch. His rags to riches story has earned people’s respect and admiration especially from those whom he worked with since his career in show business started. The result of his lifetime work has earned him many recognitions including receiving stars on the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He also received an Honorary Oscar for his nearly 60 years of work in the film industry.

Jackie Chan started from the bottom of show business by doing bit roles and stunt work. He idolized Bruce Lee whom he worked with as a stuntman in “Fist of Fury” and “Enter the Dragon.” When Bruce Lee passed away, filmmakers looked to making Jackie Chan the next Bruce Lee. However, Jackie Chan worked hard to establish his own identity in Hong Kong cinema and eventually in Hollywood.

Jackie Chan gained popularity in the North American market after the release of his film “Rumble in the Bronx.” His status as a Hollywood blockbuster star in the 90s was sealed by the famous action-comedy film “Rush Hour.” In 2008, he starred with fellow Chinese actor Jet Li in the movie “The Forbidden Kingdom.” He is also a voice actor in the “Kung Fu Panda” franchise.

The process of filming Jackie Chan’s movies is what separates him from other action stars. The overwhelming risks that people, including Jackie Chan, take to execute stunts in his movies define his action especially since Jackie Chan insists to do the stunt work himself. While other movies count on special effects for them to succeed, fans say that Jackie Chan’s stunt work is the special effect of all his movies. Additionally, Jackie Chan films have attracted big audiences because of the spectacular action, comedy, and martial arts skills that Jackie Chan brings. Also thanks to him, Hong Kong cinema was brought back on the world map.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What are the characteristics of Jackie Chan’s movies?

2. What was his starting point as an actor?

3. What makes Jackie Chan different from other action stars?


hapless 불행한, 불운한

rags to riches 무일푼에서 부자로

honorary 명예의

idolize 숭배하다

fist 주먹

fury 분노

rumble 우르렁 거리다

forbidden 금지된

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