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President Trump’s Muslim Ban

Staying true to his anti-immigrants campaign when he was still running for the U.S. presidency, President Donald Trump has finally taken action against refugees and immigrants from Muslim-majority nations. The doors of the U.S. have finally closed for refugees from seven countries namely Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

The travel ban, also dubbed as the “Muslim ban,” is only temporary. According to President Trump, the “immigration reform” that mainly targets immigrants from Muslim-majority countries is necessary in keeping radical Islamic extremists and terrorists out of the U.S. He also emphasized that the reform is not about religion. Rather, it is a much-needed reform that puts the safety of Americans citizens first before the safety of other people.

The order constitutes a 120-day suspension of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. An indefinite ban on Syrian refugees has also been implemented. Visas of people coming from the seven countries will be suspended for 90 days with the exception of some visa categories such as U.N. and diplomat visas.

The “Muslim ban” has triggered several protests across the United States as some American citizens and foreign sympathizers are appalled by the said ban. They believe that President Trump’s executive order to temporarily ban the entry of people from the seven countries is highly discriminatory and illegal.

On the other hand, President Trump’s supporters praise him for dealing with issues none of his predecessors dared to confront during their terms. These supporters say that the minds of detractors are just clouded by the idea that the ban singles out Muslims when in fact, President Trump is just looking for ways to protect the American citizens.

The future of the Muslim ban is currently uncertain. On February 9, 2017, the U.S. Federal Appeals Court declined the restoration of the executive order. The court ruled that the Trump administration had no justification for the travel ban, and it causes harm to the sovereign interests of the nation. The said “Muslim ban” will not yet be enforced as it will still go through litigation under the appeals court.

Many people in and out of the U.S. are on the edge of their seats. A lot of things can still happen because of President Trump’s travel ban. Foreign business owners and international companies are worried that this issue will gravely affect them throughout the year.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is included in the said “Muslim ban?”

2. Why did President Trump decide to issue a travel ban?

3. Why is the future of the Trump’s travel ban uncertain?


immigrant 이민자

radical 급진적인

suspension 정직, 보류, 유예

appalled by …에 깜짝 놀란

discriminatory 차별적인

restoration 복원

justification 명분, 정당한 이유

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