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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Disaster Films and Why People Love Them

Disaster is one of the oldest themes utilized in movies. Movies like “Fire!” (1901), “In Nacht und Eis” (1912), “Atlantis” (1913), and “Noah’s Ark” (1928) are some of the earliest films that portrayed disaster, making them the predecessors of the disaster film genre. This genre is characterized by huge cast of characters, overlapping story lines, and characters trying to prevent, escape, or survive a disaster. Because of these characteristics, most disaster films have big budgets. A good example of disaster film that has the highest budget is “Titanic” which ranks as the third most expensive film of all time.

A disaster film usually begins with a looming or ongoing disaster—such as floods, earthquakes, shipwrecks, plane crashes, calamities, and worldwide disease pandemics—to move the plot forward. The development of the plot usually starts from the event of a disaster to its aftermath. A common focus of disaster films is the transformation of characters in the face of life-threatening situations that expose human nature.

1970s was the golden age of the disaster film genre after the release of the blockbuster movie “Airport” where an airport faces a paralyzing snowstorm and a bombing attempt. Many other successful disaster films were released after “Airport.” Towards the latter part of the 70s, the genre experienced a decline because people lost their interest in disaster films. In 1997, the genre was revived upon the release of James Cameron’s “Titanic” which became the highest-grossing film for more than a decade.

Many disaster films are based on novels that are often bestsellers and widely celebrated. Three of the most notable films that defined disaster films as one genre—“Airport,” “The Poseidon” and “The Towering Inferno,”— are based on best-selling novels.

South Korea also has its fair share of disaster movies to the disaster film genre. The movie “Haeundae” is dubbed as the first Korean disaster film. Another Korean disaster film is “The Tower” which features a fire that overcomes a luxury skyscraper on the eve of Christmas. It is considered a box office success.

Although death and destruction are constant in disaster films, people are drawn to this genre because it is a way for them to release their fear of what could happen in the future. It is also a way for people to somehow be prepared for the worst. It is also comforting for viewers to see heroes in disaster movies triumph over larger-than-life adversities.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What are the characteristics of disaster films?

2. What set precedent of disaster films?

3. Why do people support disaster films?


utilize 이용하다, 활용하다

predecessor 이전의 것, 전임자

overlapping 중복된

shipwreck 난파

calamity 재앙

pandemic 유행병

constant 지속적인, 끊임없는

adversity 역경

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