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Know More about Plane Crashes

LaMia Flight 2933 (LMI2933), alternatively known as the “Chapecoense plane,” was a chartered flight that crashed into a mountainous area in Colombia last November 28, 2016. The plane crash killed 71 of the 77 people onboard. Among the casualties of the plane crash were members of the Brazilian Chapecoense football squad who were on their way to the final of the 2016 Copa Sudamericana, an annual international club football competition in South America.

Investigations done by the Colombian authorities revealed that there were no technical problems behind the Chapecoense plane crash. They said the pilot and airline and Bolivian regulators are to blame for it. Officials discovered that the plane experienced engine failures because of fuel shortage. The plane also exceeded the acceptable weight limit by 400 kilograms, and it was not certified to fly at the altitude at which the journey took place. According to Colombia's Secretary for Air Safety, Col. Freddy Bonilla, everything about the plane crash involved human errors and mismanagements done by the airline.

Recent statistics reveal that around 50 percent of plane crashes are caused by pilot errors. Experts say that with technological advancements, different kinds of aircraft are now equipped with the best features that are designed to make these modes of transportation function better. However, airplanes and other kinds of aircraft still need to be controlled by humans. Pilots are the captains of every flight. They are in full control of the aircraft and everyone in it once it leaves land. The complexity of their jobs as primary controllers opens a lot of opportunities to commit mistakes. Even the slightest miscalculations can end with fatal catastrophes.

Next to pilot errors, mechanical errors are also among the top reasons behind plane crashes. Around 20 percent of plane crashes are caused by engine failures and other mechanical problems. Aviation experts say as new aircraft parts are invented, new mechanical problems can also emerge. They add that although it is true that aircraft have significantly improved over the course of time, mechanical errors cannot be totally eliminated.

Other major factors that cause plane crashes are sabotages like hijacking incidents and suicide bombing. Despite tight security measures implemented by airline companies, there are still some saboteurs who find their way past security to terrorize or harm others. Bad weather conditions and mistakes done by air traffic controllers, dispatchers, other members of the airline crew like aviation engineers can also cause fatal flight accidents.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is the major cause of the Chapecoense plane crash?

2. Why are pilot errors still the top reasons for plane crashes?

3. Why can’t aviation experts eradicate mechanical errors in different kinds of aircraft?

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part.


chartered 전세 낸

casualties 사상자

altitude 고도

captain 항공기의 기장, 배의 선장

complexity 복잡함

miscalculation 계산 착오

hijacking 항공기 납치

saboteur 파괴를 하는 공작원

air traffic controller 항공 교통 관제사

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