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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

What world issue should be solved sooner than the rest? Why?

According to the United Nations, the world’s most pressing problems include the economic growth and sustainable development of different countries, international peace and security, the promotion of human rights, humanitarian assistance for those affected by crises, nuclear, chemical, and traditional weapons disarmament, crime control, and counter-terrorism. All of these problems need to be solved as soon as possible in order for every individual to have a good of quality of life on Earth. However, if I were to choose the one that should be solved first, I would say the world should focus on the promotion of human rights.

People’s human rights are truths and privileges that recognize the inherent dignity of individuals. This set of rights is defined as the foundation of freedom, peace, and justice on Earth. If there were no human rights, people would be living in fear. People’s lack of conscience would take over the whole planet. That’s why it is important that the respect for each person’s set of human rights is established, and from there, the rest of the world’s problems can also be solved.

As enumerated by the U.N., human rights declare that every human being has the right to be born with dignity and freedom. Also, no person should be discriminated according to race, color, social status, religion, and so on. No one should be held in slavery or unwanted servitude. Most importantly, everyone has the right to a standard of living that is adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond a person’s control.

Considering all these human rights, I believe that the right to an adequate standard of living is the most important of all because it tackles human survival. Survival is something I consider very primordial and basic. Survival is the prerequisite for a person to live a comfortable life. This means that a person must first be alive to live life fully and meaningfully.

Amidst the other pressing issues that the world needs to address, human survival remains to be humanity’s greatest goal. Although modernity has allowed many people to live comfortably and lavishly, many people around the world still struggle every day to survive. For this reason, I think the promotion of human rights, especially the right to an adequate standard of living, should be the world’s utmost priority.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What are the pressing problems of the world according to the U.N.?

2. What are human rights?

3. Why is the promotion of human rights important?


humanitarian 인도주의적인

disarmament 군축, 무장해제

inherent 내재하는

servitude 노예 상태, 예속

widowhood 과부 신세

primordial 근본적인

pressing 긴급한

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