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Korea Grand Sale offers discounts to travelers
Some foreign visitors to Korea looking for a deal can now save as much as 60 percent on their trips home if they buy tickets before Feb. 28 on some airlines. These discounts and more are offered as part of the Korea Grand Sale, which provides cheaper prices at many different shopping outlets and travel destinations until the end of next month, in order to draw more visitors to the country. About 700 companies in Korea participate by either giving discounts on products or providing special giveaways upon purchase.

 Major duty free shops, department stores, cosmetic shop Tonymoly, as well as ski resort Vivaldi Park and amusement park Lotte World have joined. To enjoy these discounts and gifts, foreigners should bring a coupon to stores. A coupon can be downloaded online or found at tourist information centers across the country. One coupon works at multiple stores. To encourage many visitors to explore cities outside of Seoul, the Korea Grand Sale also offers discounts on the K-Travel Bus, an overnight bus tour package put together by the Visit Korea Committee, and many hotels. For more information, go to koreagrandsale.co.kr or call 02-2138-6471.
번호 기사목록 날짜 조회수
2024-04-20 2416
2024-04-19 4456
2024-04-18 4362
2024-04-17 4299
2024-04-16 4206
2024-04-15 4017
2024-04-14 3828
2024-04-13 3607

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